Revised version of BS 8417:2024

Revised version of BS 8417:2024


The revised version of BS 8417:2024, Preservation of wood. Code of practice,  has been released with the main revisions and  copies available for purchased from the following link:

The continued inclusion of “desired service life” remains in the code of practice even though the AFI have discussed at length to have the word ‘desired’ removed. The main reason is to regain confidence in BS8417 enhancing the validity, longevity and time period claims in the standard around UC4 treated timber in ground contact.

This has been an issue for AFI members since the withdrawal of CCA in 2006 and premature failures of timber in ground contact with various issues associated with the copper organic water based replacement chemicals.

The focus of the code of practice is on the penetration and retention of the chemical not the guarantee of any longevity of the product, especially in ground contact.

The AFI still back the use of timber in the fencing industry as it has been a cost-effective material for many years, with environmental and landscape benefits in the industry.

As the word “desired” has not been removed to deliver a *“service life”, it means that it is important that members do not just rely on timber being treated to UC4 having any guarantees of longevity.

All members should negotiate with their supplier of timber, the required treatment, its longevity, and ensure any warranties and compensation to replace are in writing between the contractor and the supplier irrespective of the code of practice and its classifications.

We also recommend that no warranties are given to the end user on the effective life expectancy of UC4 treated timber in ground contact, irrespective of BS8417 2024, unless the negotiated warranties your supplier offers, cover any premature failure when in ground contact. These must be negotiated on an individual contract basis.

The AFI will now start to work with the supply industry identifying suppliers that will offer warranties without exemptions. In addition, we will work on replacement cost warranties to give confidence to timber in ground contact and cover ancillary works of timber post replacement.

The establishment of such a system will give back confidence to all, covering any timber failure during a defined period and traceability within the timber fencing industry.

*” service life” is defined as reaching or exceeding any claim made in a standard. The use of “desired service life” means that it does not have to reach the claims in the standard. 
