The Association of Fencing Industries Timber Survey

Thank you to everyone from the fencing industry who responded to the survey. Our survey is now closed but while we continue to work on this issue on your behalf we encourage all contractors, merchants, end users and manufacturers to continue to advise us of problems.

The Results

We asked for experiences from 2006 to give a full overview of the issues. By asking for company information we can see who is directly impacted by this and how – with some respondents reporting failures at four or more sites per annum when more than 50% of their business is in ground timber this highlights how replacement impacts costs.

We also asked for further comments to give more insight. The top comments received:

“I now recommend using alternatives to timber as the problem with rotting posts is so bad.”

“More of our clients are asking for creosote timber. UC4 timber is just not up to the job.”

“I have no faith in timber products, I only guarantee my workmanship!!! Not the product!! Millions of pounds in grant money wasted!”

“We install lots of sleeper style timber walls and we find failure in all UC4 timbers not just posts.”

“Got a big issue with Highways Sector Scheme timber failing at the moment -30yr life [expectancy] not done 7 [years].”
