Post Failure Samples

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Following on from the AFI Timber in Ground Contact Conference, The Association of Fencing Industries (AFI) and the Wood Protection Association (WPA) are conducting a joint investigation into reports by AFI members about the poor performance of recently installed treated wood fence posts.

To achieve this we are asking members to supply failure samples with the information highlighted below. These will be treated as anonymous but will give us greater understanding of the actual problems that are happening in the industry. You will need to provide a sample of one slice of approximately 5cm thick at the decay failure zone and one slice in a section of the post, above ground, that is sound, with no decay of the same thickness.

Please complete the below form to register your sample. The samples will be treated anonymously, you can choose to be kept up to date with the results. All company information will be held by the AFI and will not be shared.

If you have any queries please contact

Post Sample Questionnaire
