Initial applications must include:
- Letter confirming that the applicant has passed the CITB Operative Health Safety and Environment “Touch Screen” Test (within two years of initial application)
2. Copy of certificate for Lantra Awards Level 2 Diploma in Work-based Fencing Gen and/or VRS
3. Copy of certificate for the Lantra Awards Health, Safety and Environmental Awareness: Fencing course AHAS003 (within two years of initial application) or equivalent**.
4. VRS Only Copies of the NHSS 10B VRS Foundation and VRS Installer Course certificates (within two years prior to initial application)
5. VRS Only Copies of current and valid training certificates for each proprietary system type you install
6. One good quality passport size photo with a light background fixed in the box in Section A of the form further information here
7. The application fee of £30 inc. VAT (current fee at the time of writing).