Gold Card


Supervisor – General & VRS

This card is for a contract supervisor who is responsible for the overall supervision of the General Fencing, (including Environmental Noise Barriers) and/or VRS installation and not the definitive Installation (i.e. not installer or nominated person). The supervisor could be responsible for several contracts and is not necessarily always on site.

Important Note 1: The Gold Card does not permit installation activities (including appointment as a nominated person) unless the requirements for the Blue skills card are also met and maintained.

Important Note 2: The Gold Card does not permit managerial activities.

Important Note 3: Where appropriate applicants who also meet the Blue FISS/CSCS skills card requirements can have these added to their Gold Supervisors card so you only carry ONE Card

To get this card you need to:

Successfully complete the Lantra Awards Level 3 Diploma in Work-based Fencing (QCF) 600/6640/4

For details click here

Successfully complete the Site Supervisors Safety Training Scheme (SSSTS) (within two years prior to initial application) For details click here

 Or hold an accepted equivalent*

Pass the CITB Specialist supervisory (SUP) Health, Safety and Environment Test (within two years prior to application)

To book your CITB Touch Screen Test click here

Have current and valid training for each VRS system type you wish to Supervisor

Contact the Training Provider who offers the VRS System Training

When you have completed your Level 3 Diploma, the SSSTS, the Touch Screen Test and (VRS ONLY) the relevant proprietary system training download application form here

What will your card chip read?

L3 in Fencing – General Fencing and/or VRS Fencing

Initial applications must include:

  1. Letter confirming that the applicant has passed the CITB Supervisor Health Safety and Environment “Touch Screen” Test (within two years of initial application)

2. Copy of certificate for Lantra Awards Level 3 Diploma in Work-based Fencing

3. Copy of certificate for SSSTS or equivalent*

4. VRS ONLY Copies of current and valid training certificates for each proprietary system type they supervise

5. One good quality passport size photo with a light background fixed in the box in Section A of the form further information here

To renew this card you need to:

 Pass the CITB Supervisor Health Safety and Environment “Touch Screen” Test (within two years prior to renewal)

Successfully complete the SSSTS Test (within two years prior to renewal) or equivalent*

VRS ONLY refresher training for each system type you supervise – system renewal dates will vary

*Equivalents can be found in the BuildUK Training Standard here
