Red Card
This card is available if you are a trainee and are registered for a qualification that leads to a skilled FISS/CSCS card. On completion of your qualification, you are expected to move onto the appropriate skilled FISSS/CSCS card for your fencing occupation.
To get this card you need to:
Successfully complete a Health and Safety qualification appropriate to the level of card you wish to receive (within two years prior to application)
Pass the CITB Health Safety and Environment “Touch Screen” Test appropriate to the level of card you wish to receive (within two years prior to application)
Proof of Registration and be working towards a qualification appropriate to the level of card you wish to achieve.
Training and/or qualifications required for working towards:
Blue Card either General and/or VRS Route see here
Gold Card either General and/or VRS Route see here
Black Card either General and/or VRS Route see here
IMPORTANT NOTE: The red card allows you to word towards completion of training and/or qualifications whilst working your blue, gold or black card. If you hold an existing FISS/CSCS card you will need to maintain it whilst working toward your next level and do not apply for the red card.
To apply for your red trainee card download your application form here
Your Occupational Title on the card/chip of the card will be either Fencing Installer Trainee (General) and/or Fencing Installer Trainee (VRS) or Fencing Supervisor Trainee or Fencing Manager Trainee
Initial applications must include:
- Letter confirming that the applicant has passed the CITB Health Safety and Environment “Touch Screen” Test appropriate to the level of card you are working towards (within two years of initial application)
2. Proof of registration to appropriate qualification approved by the FISS/CSCS Committee
3. Copy of certificate for Lantra Awards Health, Safety and Environmental Awareness: Fencing Course or equivalent.
4. One good quality passport size photo with a light background fixed in the box in Section A of the form – further information here
5. The application fee of £30 Inc. VAT (current fee at the time of writing).
Whilst it is not a mandatory requirement other than registration to the Diploma to initially to get the Red Card, where appropriate you must commit to achieving the qualification/training applicable to the level of card you are working towards.
Your card expires after 5 years. All elements of the card route must be completed before expiry