Although many suppliers have remained open, the new guidance will assist with making sure you are managing risk, especially those looking to allow customers to return to shopping on site. The key points from the shops and branches guidance below should be used with the full Government guidance:
- Stagger arrival and departure times at work to reduce crowding into and out of the workplace
- Use markings and introducing one-way flow at entry and exit points
- Provide handwashing facilities (or hand sanitiser where not possible) at entry and exit points
- Introduce more one-way flow through buildings
- Provide floor markings and signage to remind both workers and customers to follow to social distancing wherever possible
- Use screens to create a physical barrier between people at sales and customer service desks
- Define the number of customers that can reasonably follow 2m social distancing within the store and any outdoor selling areas and restrict entry based on this
- Have clearly designated positions from which colleagues can provide advice or assistance to customers whilst maintaining social distance
- Provide written or spoken communication of the latest guidelines to both workers and customers inside and outside the store
- Have picking-up and dropping-off collection points where possible, rather than passing goods hand-to-hand
- As far as possible, where workers are split into teams or shift groups, fix these teams or shift groups so that where contact is unavoidable, this happens between the same people
- Where possible, use the same pairs of people for loads where more than one is needed
This is not an exhaustive list so please ensure you refer to the full Government Guidance here and contact us for help and advice.
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