Coronavirus Update – 25 March 2020

Coronavirus Update – 25 March 2020

The message is clear: stay at home, avoid all social interaction, and only travel to work if absolutely necessary.

We know the industry is looking for clarity on whether sites should continue to operate. Whilst the Government is increasing its calls for everyone to stay at home and avoid all non‐essential travel, it is also stating that construction sites can continue to operate. This has left the construction sector caught between the Government’s advice and the overwhelming need to protect its workforce.

There is no doubt that the majority of our members have decided to close down for the moment. There may still be some safety/security-critical work that must continue. If that is the case then the Construction Leadership Council CLC) has published Site Operating Procedures, to implement the Government’s social distancing requirements and minimise the risk of spread of infection.

The following is an extract from those procedures:

“The health and safety requirements of any construction activity must also not be compromised at this time. If an activity cannot be undertaken safely due to a lack of suitably qualified personnel being available or social distancing being implemented, it should not take place.”

The AFI and Build UK are not regulatory or enforcement bodies and neither is the Construction Leadership Council (CLC). We are doing our utmost to support members in implementing the Government’s advice on social distancing. We have also called strongly for Government support for the whole workforce that will be affected by the closure of construction sites.

We firmly believe that the industry needs to pull together at this time; we can do nothing about the situation we find ourselves in, but we can do something about how we respond and that will continue to be our focus over the coming days. 

Remember: Stay at home, avoid all social interaction and only travel to work if absolutely necessary.
