Littlewood Fencing is proud to introduce the Exo-Skeleton EXO-01. Littlewood Fencing have been working in partnership with Hilti UK and have been incredibly successful with their campaign to reduce Hand Arm Vibration risk across all fencing operations.
Littlewood Fencing have now teamed up with Hilti UK again to try out their new EXO-01 Exo Skeleton. The Exo-Skeleton system is worn to reduce fatigue on the shoulders and arms while the operator carries out overhead tasks.

The exciting new concept of the Exo-01 Exoskeleton has been in testing at one of their Kier sites when fencers were installing hoarding works, where a scaffold tube was used as a top support rail; this was supported with a clip which was then turned and tightened with a battery-powered impact wrench.
Some great feedback was received from one of the fencers working on site who found that his upper arms and shoulders’ strain was noticeably reduced whilst using the Exo Skeleton system.
Littlewood Fencing want to thank and are very grateful to Hilti UK for the opportunity to trial this new technology.
#LittlewoodFencing #HiltiUK #Kier #ExoSkeleton #exoskeletonsystem #safeandsecureenvironments #Hoarding #Construction #HealthandSafety #newtechnology
#drivetoleadandpromote #Fencing #industry #Safety #Protection #Developing #Thankyou #Covid #grateful #opportunity #testing
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